Monday, May 1, 2017

3 May International Energy Day - Dr. Radhey Shyam Dwivedi

May 3 the International Energy Day has said. Simply adds energy efficiency to function. When  the bow is going hunting with bow a bow hunter is in comes energy in the bow which can be used to run the hunt arrows. Flowing the energy in water use watermill is running or may be for another job. Similar ammo is energy use stone Shilaaa break or cannon to shell can be firing. Electric current is energy to the electric motor can be operated. The sun 's light energy is in use Prkashselon can be used to generate electric current by. Such Anubm in nuclear energy is live, which is used to destroy the enemy or other functions. Thus we see that energy is found in many forms. In the inclined bow that energy to potential energy are called; Running water, energy kinetic energy is; Dynamite energy to chemical energy is; Energy electric current electrical energy is; The energy of sunlight light energy says. The energy of the sun is due to its high heat. This heat energy says.
Source of energy :- Energy's necessary for each task in modern physics. Energy conservation principle, according to energy could neither be Jana and neither can be destroyed, it can only be changed its format. We offer several ways to use the energy to use in their daily lives, such as - mechanical energy, electrical energy, thermal energy, light energy, chemical energy and so on. Motor electrical energy is then employed to convert mechanical energy into chemical energy in the battery into electrical energy. The human body can absorb the chemical energy of foods mechanical work him. Similarly, an electric bulb electrical energy into Prkayh and thermal energy. Car or bus engine replaces the first thermal energy to chemical energy of gasoline and it then into mechanical energy. Used for all these functions Energycoal,petroleum,natural gas, wind energy, solar energy, wave energy(orwave energy)river valley projects   derived from these sources     
Energy and industrial revolution  - came to power concept (concept) nineteenth century. It invented by humans is a very important and fundamental concept. It is very useful to have as a numerical Antrkriyaon (Intrakshns) occurring events of various kinds. It can be treated as Srwnisht (common) of the interactions between the various physical Fenamena a way currency. The concept of energy transformation (Tronsfarmeshn) which is associated with) and transmission in chemicals and metallurgy (theIndustrial Revolutionare based. While only would work with human or animal power, limited power until then; It was difficult to automate and control. But changed this situation the invention of machines which ran on steam and that the beginning of the industrial revolution. As well as energy consumption by any country in modern times is the key measure of its development.
  Renewable or neo resources : - those resources remains the restoration by natural / ecological processes in their stores. However exploitation of such resources by humans (use) if you have more than their replacement rate faster then they are not renewable resources and takes them to decay. Such resources as defined above most Bioresources is come which is the restoration by biological processes. For example, human use of forest from a forest area makes it a renewable resource forests but if exploited so fast the forest that exceeds the rate of rehabilitation will take a loss of one.        
Typically they also include renewable energy resources in renewable resources such as  solar energy ,  wind energy ,  geothermal energy and so on. Indian forestry forest area do a lot of things that generate qualified human use which man uses ranging from household tasks to industrial production. So one are an important resource and as trees in the forest can restore your while natural increase, also renewable resources. Wood to burn on the bottom of the forest, medicines million, come glue and varieties of fruits, etc. are gathering local people. Timber or paper Uddyog high level of applications comes commercial and mechanical harvesting of wood. As with all renewable resources, there is a limit to yield forests. Wood or leaves are re-match with his natural time to take out a certain amount of. This amount is called the yield sustainable. But if they are more than a threshold harness and be very fast relative to the degradation of forests and then they are no longer exploit sustainable and renewable resources not live.  
The world and India is also exploiting the rapid deforestation and forest cover is shrinking, it does not seem appropriate to the category of the place renewable. One release data on forest resources on the occasion of International Day of  the Food and Agriculture Organization of the (FAO) continues to exert a decline in area of forests globally and the world's forest area per year between 1990 and 2010 the reduced rate of 53 million hectares. There it is also stated tropical forests most losses in South America and Africa have happened.         
According to current estimates of forest and tree cover in the country is 78.29 million hectares, which is 23.81 percent of their geographical layout of the country. Compared to 2009 estimates, explanatory changes went recorded a decrease of 367 square kilometers of forest area in the country after taking into account. The importance of forest resources also because these provide us we have no price for that offer plenty of natural features and thus are not counted. To purify the air, for example, and one which is to be able to breathe is a natural choice to provide us with free and with no artificial choice not to such a large population. Would affect the life of tribes and tribal decay of forests direct  as well as indirect of others. A number of measures are currently related to forests in several research and to protect forest cover and management models have also been suggested.
Water Resources :- a renewable resource under certain conditions, such as available water resources on earth. Water ecosystemkeeps recycling thewater cycleadds. Therefore, water is becoming Retort under a natural process and human use. Water in rivers is also able to purge automatically by biological processes, a certain amount of waste fed by humans. But when waterpollutionis the volume so high that it automatically can not be purified by the usual processes of ecosystems and humans are left unusable so it is no longer renewable situation. Be seen as an example then the groundwater from northern India alluvial plain forever but now went recorded in unprecedented shortages due to rapid exploitation for irrigation in the north-western parts. Concern over Jlbron in India and groundwater conditions is h expressed. The way the exploitation of groundwater in India in future conditions are quite dangerous Hoskti. At present 29% of the block or the pathetic level of groundwater or worrying and will come according to figures condition worrying about 60% block by 2025. Notable is the source of 60% irrigation Atu water and approximately 85% of drinking water in India's groundwater itself. Is emerging as falling groundwater rise in level as a huge challenge.      
Renewable or aksayaurja : - renewable or renewable energy in the whole energy that are pradusanakaraka not, and that is not the source of decay, or whose source is the re-fill. Solar energy , wind energy , hydro energy , tidal energy , biomass , bio-fuel , etc. are some examples of renewable energy. Renewable energy technologies that are not only energy, but also a clean environment and also provide relatively low soragulayukta energy source. Renewable energy (RE) to "energy security '' and 2020" energy independence "the goal of being considered as an alternative energy source is.                 
The importance of energy conservation : - Gandhi said that the earth provides enough resources to meet the needs of every man, but not to satisfy the greed of every man. Has been outlined by the facts below the required energy conservation: We faster than producing its use of energy - coal, oil and natural gas - are most in use are Wartmam form after thousands of years has evolved. Energy resources are limited is the world's population in India is 16% and found approximately 1% of the world's energy resources. Most energy sources are not again be used and can not be updated. Share in fuel use of non-renewable energy sources is 80%. That is why it is said that over the source of our energy in the next 40 years. We save valuable currency of their country by saving energy. About 75 percent complete crude oil import needs. The total value of the average dollar per year to import. The Rs 50,000 crore. There is an old Indian proverb that it takes this description - earth, water and air get from our parents is not a gift to us, but the debt to our children. So we need to make a habit of energy conservation.
House Energy - use in home energy light, is used for the operation of food and other household appliances for cooking, heating. Using some of the methods listed below may be saving in the use of energy in these areas. Domestic light Turn off the lights when not in use when. Accumulated dust on tube lights and bulbs etc. equipment cleaned regularly. Use electrical appliances with ISI Marca. Use CFLs to save energy. Use the daylight time in pastel shades on the windows to get maximum light, loose-weave curtains day. Traditional T5 tube lights instead of light can be used to save energy.
Less Energy, More Light - due to higher energy consumption are being used lamps, bulbs and other devices in India CFL general, leaves today waste about 80 percent of electricity. Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) we can save electricity costs. A CFL bulb gives five times more light than conventional bulbs. At the same time, the duration of durable CFL bulb is eight times higher than normal bulbs. Fluorescent tube lights, the compact fluorescent consume less energy lights and not too much heat. If we are to replace ordinary bulbs of 60 watts, using compact fluorescent light bulb of 15 watts, we can save the hourly 45 watts of energy. Thus, we can save up to 11 units of electricity per month and reduce their cost of electricity. Thus, power protection and power saving in consumption, we can help light up those villages where she was no electricity.


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